Saturday, September 5, 2015

Bon Mot Serenade - Day 8 - His Kindness

There's no reason to mention the name of the website... the reason it became nationally known... or the people that were embarrassed. It's happened many times before, and is certain to happen again. People-- good and bad, prominent and lowly-- have their secret deeds exposed to public ridicule. We are born wicked, it comes natural, but most of us maintain a veneer of goodness. When the veneer of goodness is peeled away, then the turning point decision must be made!

David was a good man. No one was more prominent than the King of Israel. His secret deed was with Bathsheba.  He was exposed by Nathan privately, then publicly ridiculed when his son Absolam rebelled against him. (Read 2 Samuel 11-16)

In John 8:1-11, a woman caught in adultery was exposed to public ridicule.  Since the Pharisees took advantage of her weakness, most likely she had a bad reputation and a lowly position.

What was the key to restoration for this powerful king and weak woman?  Repentance.

God as a loving father desires to restore our relationship with him.  Suppose as father he reaches out to hug a prodigal son or wayward daughter.  Yet the son or daughter refuses to turn toward their father and fully accept his embrace.  There would be no restoration.  Only when the son or daughter caught in their sin turns to the father, does true restoration occur.  This is repentance.

When Jesus said to the woman "Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more", she must have been overwhelmed with his kindness when contrasted with the bullies who had dragged her out for public scorn. How different they were from the kind father desiring true repentance.

Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, forbearance and patience, not realizing that God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repentance? Romans 2:4


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